Here's what I saw in Egypt:
It's kinda' hard to tell in the small photo but if you click on it to get the full-sized one you'll see a guy pulling a rope tied to a wheel barrow being pushed by a second guy. Like I said, it was like they designed and ran the construction site to be as historically accurate as it would have been when they first built the pyramid.
Contrast this to the scene from Japan:
Here, a guy is digging a two-foot-deep trench with a miniature backhoe. In the first, they're rebuilding a huge pyramid built out of giant stones and in the second, the guy's moving less dirt than if you planted a tree. Well, I guess that's what you get when labor costs about 7.5 times more in Japan than it does in Egypt (according to the World Bank). Either way, both pictures are kinda' fun.
That is priceless!